Saturday, August 25, 2012

Marksklößchen Suppe (bonemarrow soup)

Yes yes I know at first glance it sounds yukie, but trust me it is DELISCIOUS!!!. Another one of my mom's recipes, this one being one that is easy but essential to keep the measurements to a t, course I still managed to find a slight variation hehe.

The goods:

60 g (2 ounces) of bone marrow ( out of a beefbone)
60 g (2 ounces) breadcrumps (variation here would be using flavored breadcrumps, i.e. parmesan, italian and so on)
3 eggs
salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste
1 small onion VERY finely diced
1-2 teaspoons of finely diced (if used fresh) or dried) parsley
 broth ( I use chicken or veggie broth, but any is fine)

The work:

melt the bonemarrow in a pan ocver medium heat, do NOT boil.Strain the melted marrow through a very fine strainer to make sure no bone fragments are left behind...slightly roast the onion and parsley, then mixwith the strained marrow and let cool down to at least room temp.  Whisk the eggs and then slowly stir into the COOL marrowmix. add breadcrumps slowly until  firm dough forms, make dumplings (using a teaspoon as sizer)

In a pot heat up the broth and add one test dumpling to cook over medium heat for about 10 min or till cooked through. if the dumpling is too soggie add a bit of bread crumps to the mix, if too firm, add a bit of milk. cook rest of dumplings (like regular dumplings they float when done, but usually around 10 min does the trick).


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