Saturday, August 25, 2012

About *A Culinary Walk to Remember*

I like to cook, as long as it is for others and while we were living in Ft Hood, I did alot of it on holidays for friends, neighbours and some of my husbands soldiers who were stuck on base on holidays and such, or simply wanted I used quite a few of the recipes I grew up with, some passed down from my parents, some remembered and some invented. Friends kept asking me for the recipe for this and that and finally the idea was born to put them on a site so that everyone could get to them, without me having to write the recipes out over and over. Course the double effect of me having access and them all in view as well was another bonus.
So this site is just that, a collection of recipes, some fondly remembered from growing up, some passed down from my parents, some simply collected and some my own creation.
Now I am at times lazy so the adding of recipes might go slow and stallward at times and while I rebuild since I lost the other site it might go fast for a bit, though  I have to find some of the recipes again because I have no access to the other site, but I am working on getting them all up and adding new ones that I wanted or was expected to added for a while but never got around too.

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